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School History

Campus Overview

Mission Statement      Campus Goals     District Narrative


School Administration


Pat Garrett

  Principal                      Assistant Principal

Timothy Hensley              Alexandria Fauntleroy

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Walnut Springs ISD History

The Walnut Springs School was organized about 1900 in a two-story brick college building on land donated by Texas Ranger Buck Barry. Around 1920 the building burned and bonds were voted to build a new two-story brick building. In the late 1930s a gym was built from materials salvaged from the abandoned Texas-Central Roundhouse. Enrollment declined during the 1950s. When the nuclear power plant in Glen Rose began construction enrollment began to increase. Bonds were voted and a new classroom building was built in 1976. More bonds were voted in 1985. A new classroom building and a new gym were constructed and the original structures were demolished. Later a new vocational building was built. In 1996 an instructional facility grant allowed for remodeling existing structures, adding classrooms and connecting the existing classroom building to the gymnasium. The D.E. and Donnie Edwards Sports and Educational Center has been in use since 2003. It is a Physical Education Facility / Fine Arts facility with a gymnasium as well as stage and auditorium.

Academics have always been a priority in Walnut Springs with graduates successful in all areas of society. Changing demographics with student population growing and no longer being just farm, ranch, and small-town kids has made the task more challenging.

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Campus Overview


Mission Statement

The mission of Walnut Springs Independent School District is to build confidence, pride, and self esteem in each student, to teach realistic goal setting values, the motivation to reach goals, success and respect for others. The economic and human resources of this district are committed to the goals of excellence and equity, and we believe the goals can be achieved.

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Campus Goals

The Site Based Committee has determined the 5 goals of Walnut Springs I.S.D. will be to. . .

. . . enhance student achievement.
. . . increase Parent / Community Involvement.
. . . provide safe, productive learning environment.
. . . provide the highest qualified, productive staff .
. . . enhance communication between school and community.

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The Site Based Committee meets at scheduled times throughout the year. In addition to this the Planning Teams meet on an as needed basis to determine the needs of Walnut Springs I.S.D. as well as plan for the accomplishment of these needs. Team members are encouraged to provide input during the committee meetings and share with other committees their findings.
In order to determine the needs of the school, planning teams use a variety of sources. Test results are one method of assessing needs. Scores from both state mandated test and locally given standardized tests are used. Reports are also used as a tool for assessing needs in Walnut Springs I.S.D. Another method of assessing needs includes local surveys of both students and parents. Input from parents, teachers, and community members is taken into consideration also. Site based committee planning teams compile data from each of these sources to determine needs.
After the needs have been determined, planning teams meet to determine the best course of action to see that the needs are being met. It important that strengths are determined in order to facilitate the meeting of the needs in the most efficient and productive manner possible. After studying both the needs and the strengths at Walnut Springs, they set up objectives and methods by which these objectives will be accomplished that are in keeping with the five goals established for Walnut Springs I.S.D. How these objectives will be met include who is responsible, how much it will cost, a time line, a method of evaluating whether it has been accomplished and a sign-off by the person responsible. These will be incorporated into the Campus Improvement Plan.
After each team has provided input into the objectives for the district, these objectives are meshed together to form the Campus Improvement Plan. This plan is then approved by the Site Based Committee and local administrators and finally by the Board of Trustees.
After approval the plan is then taken by all faculty members and all involved persons work together to see that the objectives are met. These successful accomplishment of these objectives will enhance student achievement which will ultimately result in more successful adults as these students graduate.

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